Berita Merapi Terkini I Update Merapi I Energi Merapi Masih Luar Biasa, Aktivitas Belum Bisa Diprediksi

Wednesday 10 November 2010
Berita Merapi Terkini | Update Merapi | Energi Merapi Masih Luar Biasa, Aktivitas Belum Bisa Diprediksi - Hingga kini kondisi Gunung Merapi masih belum bisa diprediksi. Bahkan diketahui energi yang berada di dalam Merapi masih luar biasa.

"Kondisi Merapi, tadi ketemu dengan Pak Surono, katanya belum bisa diprediksi. Artinya tidak yakin dia berhenti kapan, atau tanda-tandanya. Bahkan menurut data, energi merapi masih luar biasa," ujar Ketua Komisi VIII DPR RI, Abdul Kadir Karding saat dihubungi detikcom, Rabu (10/11/2010).

Abdul yang terus memantau langsung ke Posko Pengungsian di Stadion Maguwo Harjo menuturkan, kondisi pengungsi saat ini membuat prihatin. Masa tanggap darurat yang diperkirakan berjalan dalam jangka waktu panjang, membuat pengungsi mulai mengeluhkan sejumlah penyakit.

"Yang membuat prihatin, masa tanggap darurat akan lama. Kasihan para pengungsi, di sini mulai terkena penyakit, diare, sakit kulit, pusing," tutur politisi PKB ini.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, jumlah total pengungsi Merapi tercatat ada 279.779 orang. Jumlah tersebut dengan rincian di Kabupaten Magelang 88.274 orang, Kota Magelang 2.772 orang, Boyolali 39.767 orang, Klaten 93.224 orang, Sleman 52.945 orang, Kulonprogo 2.797 orang.

Sedangkan menurut data terbaru dari Kementerian Kesehatan (Kemenkes), total korban tewas akibat bencana Merapi mencapai 185 orang. Ribuan orang lainnya hingga kini masih mendapatkan perawatan. Jumlah korban tewas itu adalah korban tewas dari 2 kali letusan besar, yaitu pada 26 Oktober dan 5 November 2010.

Foto Merapi Terkini , Energi Merapi Masih Luar Biasa, Aktivitas Belum Bisa Diprediksi

indonesian volcano
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Ada Monyet 'Tanpa Hidung' di Myanmar

Thursday 28 October 2010
monyet pesekPara ahli primata Internasional menemukan spesies monyet baru yang hidup di pedalaman hutan Myanmar utara. Monyet jenis baru ini berhidung pesek, bahkan sama sekali terlihat hampir tidak mempunyai hidung.

Ahli primata yang tergabung dalam Internasional Flora dan Fauna (IFF) memberi nama monyet spesies baru ini dengan nama Rhinopithecus Strykeri atau lebih dikenal dengan monyet pesek Myanmar.

Pencarian dimulai pada awal tahun 2001 saat pemburu melaporkan telah menemukan seekor monyet berbibir tebal dan berhidung mengarah ke atas. Ciri-ciri yang tidak ditemukan pada spesies manapun di daerah tersebut membuat tim pencari yang dipimpin oleh Asosiasi Konservasi Alam Myanmar mulai menyisir hutan di negara bagian Kachin.

Monyet hidung pesek Myanmar ini berbeda dengan monyet hidung pesek yang sebelumnya pernah ditemukan di China dan Vietnam. Monyet ini berbulu lebat berwarna hitam dengan bibir yang tebal. Ekornya sangat panjang, hampir dua kali ukuran tubuhnya.

Hidung pesek dengan lubang yang besar menghadap ke atas menyebabkan air masuk ke dalam hidung kera, sehingga dia kerap bersin. Untuk menghindari kemasukan air hujan, monyet ini seringkali duduk dengan kepala terselip di antara lutut.

Monyet ini dipercaya menghabiskan waktunya pada musim panas di dataran tinggi dan mendekat ke pemukiman warga ketika musim dingin untuk mencari makan. Habitatnya yang dikelilingi oleh Sungai Mekong dan Sungai Salween membuat monyet ini terisolasi dengan monyet lainnya dan sulit dijumpai.

IFF memperkirakan spesies ini hanya terdapat sekitar 300 ekor di alam liar. Hal ini membuat Serikat Internasional untuk Konservasi Alam (IUCN) memasukkan spesies ini ke dalam kategori terancam punah. Sayangnya, perburuan untuk konsumsi serta penebangan liar mengancam keberadaan spesies ini. (umi)Vivanews
READ MORE - Ada Monyet 'Tanpa Hidung' di Myanmar

Cara Mudah Agar Tidak Mudah Lupa

Saturday 23 October 2010
lupaTak jarang orang lupa meletakkan barang-barang yang ia letakkan atau simpan di suatu tempat. Hal ini jelas menyusahkan orang tersebut untuk mencari barang yang dicarinya.

Jika Anda sering mengalami masalah ini, maka sebuah latihan kecil berikut dapat membantu menguatkan ingatan, seperti yang dikutip dari realsimple.

Untuk menghindari ingatan yang hilang, diperlukan konsentrasi saat meletakkan sebuah barang. Beritahulah diri sendiri di mana Anda meletakkan barang tersebut.

Anda bisa memberitahukan diri sendiri dengan berbicara di dalam hati atau mengucapkannya dengan lantang. Sebagai contoh, saat Anda meletakkan kunci mobil di kantung blazer, maka ucapkanlah "Saya meletakkan kunci mobil di kantung blazer," dalam hati atau secara lantang.

Cara lain untuk meningkatkan memori adalah dengan membiasakan meletakkan barang-barang pada tempatnya. Contohnya, letakkanlah kunci rumah pada kantung tas bagian luar setiap meninggalkan rumah.wolipop
READ MORE - Cara Mudah Agar Tidak Mudah Lupa

Hal-hal Yang Membuat Pria Kecewa & Marah

kecewaJakarta - Sesabar apapun pria yang bersama Anda, ia pasti memiliki batas kesabaran. Dalam sebuah hubungan, biasanya kesabaran pria hilang karena prilaku pasangannya.

Salah satu hal yang membuat pria kecewa dengan perempuan adalah ketika wanita tidak mengangkat telepon saat dihubungi. Yang lebih parah adalah jika wanita memberikan nomor telepon palsu. Hal ini jelas akan membuat pria sangat kecewa.

Hal lain yang membuat pria kesal adalah ketika mereka dimanfaatkan. Dari dimanfaatkan untuk mengantar-jemput sampai dimanfaatkan untuk membayar semua biaya yang dikeluarkan wanita, padahal si wanita tersebut sibuk dengan dirinya sendiri atau dengan teman-temannya.

Bagi pria, 'main tangan' dengan wanita adalah sebuah hal yang diharamkan. Oleh karena itu, pria pun akan berfikir sebaliknya jika ada wanita yang ringan tangan terhadapnya.

Mengkritik pria di depan umum adalah hal yang justru akan membuatnya marah. Hal ini dikarenakan pria merasa tidak dihargai oleh wanita, oleh karena itu hindari mengkritik keras pasangan di depan umum.

Mengganggu waktu para pria dengan teman-temannya yang sedang asyik dengan hobinya adalah hal yang menjengkelkan. Pria akan sulit untuk dihubungi jika sedang seru bersama kawan-kawannya jadi lebih untuk tidak mengganggunya.

Hal yang paling membuat pria marah adalah jika melihat (calon) pasangannya digoda pria lain. Sekedar dekat dengan teman pria sudah membuat pria kesal, apalagi jika bercanda berdua.wolipop
READ MORE - Hal-hal Yang Membuat Pria Kecewa & Marah

Kedua Bocah Bersaudara Ini Divonis Medis Umurnya Tak Sampai 12 Tahun

Thursday 21 October 2010
Bagaimana hati dan perasaan seorang ibu kala menerima kenyataan bahwa kedua anaknya diprediksi secara medis tak akan bertahan usianya lebih dari 12 tahun. Sangat terpukul dan sedih bukan. Sungguh sedih melihatnya, saat melihat keceriaan wajah kedua anak gadisnya yang masih kecil ini sudah harus menerima beban derita sakit karena keturunan (kelainan genetik) yang sangat susah disembuhkan.

Jane bersama kedua Ashleigh dan Alisha dan kakak tirinya Lucy (dibelakang)
Jane ibu berusia 36 tahun ini sekarang ingin menghabiskan hari-hari kedepan dengan membahagiakan kedua putri ciliknya yang diramalkan bakal meninggal sebelum usia remaja, kedua putrinya tersebut yakni Ashleigh Lennon usia 7 tahun dan Alisha usia 4 tahun keduanya didiagnosa menderita kelainan genetik yang bernama Batten Diases. Sebuah penyakit bawaan lahir yang sangat langka dengan probalitas terjadi 1 berbanding 300.000 kejadian.
Apakah penyakit Batten tersebut, mencoba mencari referensi dari Wikipedia, dimana disebutkan bahwa Penyakit Batten (juga dikenal sebagai -Vogt-Sjögren-Batten penyakit Spielmeyer) adalah, penyakit yang jarang terjadi akibat fatal autosom resesif (gangguan neurodegenerative) dan biasanya diderita sejak usia dini anak-anak.
Kondisinya kini sangat memprihatinkan bagi kedua anak tersebut, Ashleigh saat ini mengalami kebutaan, sedangkan Alisha mengalami gangguan keseimbangan. Dikutip dari Mail Online menyebutkan Jane sang ibu berujar keduanya terlahir seperti bayi normal pada umumnya, tak terlihat sedikitpun kekurangan pada kedua bocah cilik itu. Namun beranjak usia banyak hal aneh yang keduanya alami.
Pada usia tiga tahun tiba-tiba Ashleigh mengalami kejang seperti epilepsi, dan setelah itu diagnosa kesehatanpun menyatakan Ashleigh menderita penyakit Batten yang kini juga diderita adiknya Alisha yang masih berusia 4 tahun. Menurut analisa tim medis sangat susah bagi mereka untuk bisa menyembuhkan keduanya karena ini adalah bawaan genetik. Kini Jane hanya bisa pasrah pada Yang Kuasa atas nasib kedua putrinya tersebut.
Semoga Tuhan memberikan jalan terbaik bagi mereka..

sumber :
READ MORE - Kedua Bocah Bersaudara Ini Divonis Medis Umurnya Tak Sampai 12 Tahun

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Tuesday 12 October 2010
Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia - Memilih Merupakn satu hal yang tidak gampang, banyak faktor yang harus dipertimbangkan, apa lagi yang dipilih adalah kendaraan yang Anda gunakan untuk sehari – hari, pastilah Anda akan mencari informasi yang berkaitan dengan barang yang akan Anda beli.

Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia Solusi tepat menemukan info mobil Yang Anda idamkan selama ini, Informasi yang ada sangat lah membantu anda dalam menentukan model desai n dan kenyamanan Anda dan Keluarga .

Untuk Lebih Lebih Jelas Anda bisa Mengunjungu Situs Remi Milik Toyota

SEO test By Gokil
READ MORE - Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia

Exterior Home Painting Tips

Monday 11 October 2010

While it may be wise to leave exterior home painting to professionals, some people need to tackle the job themselves. If you find yourself faced with this daunting task, follow these tips for success:

  • First of all, make sure you're qualified. Exterior painting is physically demanding and requires a great deal of time and effort. Don't waste resources planning to do it yourself if you may not be able to complete the job.
  • Remember that exterior paint must withstand harsh weather conditions. Using the highest quality primers and paints available is worth it when you consider the wear and tear your paint job will need to endure. In fact, a poor paint job can lead to deeper damages to your siding.
  • When choosing a color or color scheme, remember there are many factors to consider. The age and style of the home, location, neighborhood guidelines, surroundings, and condition of the property should all play a role in your decision.
  • Consider getting practice with a paint sprayer. For a large job such as this, the extra effort needed to polish your paint spraying skills beforehand could mean a huge time savings in the end.
  • Inspect your home's condition and research the best ways to prep various surfaces for painting to ensure the best and most durable outcome.
  • Staining versus painting requires the same amount of research and care. Choose the proper stain for your particular wood and climate, and make sure to remove all previous stain before reapplying. The wood surface must be clean and porous for the stain to set properly. Also, different types and colors of stain require different application techniques.
  • Get answers to all your questions ahead of time. You have many resources available to you-take advantage. The Internet, hardware and home improvement store employees, and books or guides are all excellent ways to research and educate yourself beforehand to prevent roadblocks and problems.
  • Plan on doing it right the first time. This is a big job that everyone will see, so the last thing you want is a big mistake or worse-needing to redo the whole thing. Take your time and don't skimp in any way.

If you take the time to research and plan sufficiently, and follow the other guidelines above, you can succeed in repainting the exterior of your home without hiring a professional. Just keep in mind that doing so is one of the most difficult and important home improvement projects you can decide to tackle on your own.

For Home Painting in Frederick Md check out City Painting and Renovation Inc and always double check to see if your home painting contractor has a Maryland Home Improvement License or MHIC.

READ MORE - Exterior Home Painting Tips

Tips For Choosing Exterior Paint Color

Monday 13 September 2010
Choosing and exterior paint color for a house is a decision that should be made with careful thought. It is one that the homeowner will have to live with for a long time. In Marietta, Georgia, the average life of exterior house paint is about eight years, depending on the type chosen. One color is difficult for many people to compromise upon, but the possibilities are endless and there should be some hue that everyone in the household can find agreeable.


Look at the other homes in the neighborhood. Choose a color scheme that will blend in to some degree. Bright and dark colors are more likely to fade. However, bright colors are cheerful and make a house stand out more. The darker the color, the less likely it is to show dirt. Even if the homeowner is comfortable with the former house color, choosing a new one can be a refreshing change. Find a coordinating or contrasting color for the trim. This can be added to doors, shutters, garages and porches.


Some Marietta painting contractors offer options on their websites that will help the customer find a suitable color. Similar to a personality profile, questions are geared to toward preferences of colors, environment and lifestyle. Each question has a number of choices for answers. At the end, all of the answers compiled together will guide the customer toward a preselected color scheme including tones for base and trim colors. When there are many people in one household, they may all take the test and compare color groupings at the end. They may find that they have similar results, or there may be twice as many ideas to consider.


Choosing a certain type of paint will alter the color selection. While the same basic hues may be available in most brands, some have special additives or features that limit availability. Those in damp climates may need mildew deterrent. In areas prone to storms, homeowners may select very durable paint to protect the home's exterior from wind, hail, blowing sand, sleet, snow or rain. Hot, dry climates may affect the fading of paint colors. Some have a longer life than others. Consult the Marietta painting contractor for the best type of paint to use.


Before a home's exterior is painted, it should be pressure washed and any old, chipping or cracking paint should be removed. Any gaps in the areas where the roof, siding, walls and ground meet should be filled or repaired before attempting to paint the home. House painters in Marietta should be able to do the job swiftly and professionally, using the proper equipment and materials. The ground should be covered with drop cloths to protect the landscaping and surfaces that are not being painted, such as windows and chimneys.
READ MORE - Tips For Choosing Exterior Paint Color

Kitchen Furniture Choices

Thursday 9 September 2010
There are many different kinds of kitchen furniture to consider when you are furnishing a new home. The most important is the breakfast nook set, but there are others. Kitchen island furniture and kitchen storage furniture are other classes of furniture to choose from.

The breakfast nook set is the most important kitchen furniture choice because it is where your family will gather for most meals and where even your guests will join you. In addition, the breakfast table and chairs are the largest set of furniture in the room so it is where the eye will naturally be drawn. You want the table to be as large as it can possibly be and still fit in the space you have. Even if your family is small now, things may change in the future and you are sure to have guests, so you want as large a table as is practical. Make sure to leave enough room for chairs or benches to be pulled in and out between the edge of the table and the walls. Also, pick a table shape that suits the room. For example, if the breakfast nook is circular or octagonal in shape, a circular table would be a better use of space than a rectangular or square one.

Kitchen storage furniture includes anything from a sideboard to a shelving unit. This variety of kitchen furniture is usually only used in kitchens with lots of space. Most breakfast nooks will not have room for extra pieces of furniture after you get the table and chairs in. A sideboard is a thin piece of furniture that sits no more than two feet out from the wall. It usually has one or two cabinets and a series of drawers for storage. Table linens and china are the most common things stored there. Another popular storage furniture piece is the pantry cabinet. If you are not lucky enough to have a walk in pantry or a closet to use, then pantry cabinets are a great addition. It may seem like they take up a lot of room, but it is worth it. If you use regular cabinets to store your dry goods and canned goods, then there will be a lot of wasted space since you cannot see past the first few rows in a normal kitchen cabinet. Pantries will have shelves that are less deep or that come equipped with shelves on rollers so you can pull each shelf out like a drawer.

Kitchen islands can also be considered in the class of furniture because many people use the island to double as a breakfast bar. If you have the opportunity to design your island, then try to get the counter top to extend out farther than the cabinet underneath so the counter is comfortable to sit at. In addition, try to have the outer edge of the counter sit higher than the rest of the island surface. This is to make sure that there is no cross contamination between prepared and unprepared foods. The seating at a breakfast bar will most likely be stools. Stools with backs are more comfortable, but heavier so you need to weigh those options before selecting. Another helpful hint is to make sure there is enough room between the top of the stool seat and the bottom of the counter so that people are not squished in between.

Malisa is a homeowner who loves to pass on the knowledge she has gained from decorating and renovating her home. Kitchen furniture is one area where she is a true expert. For more information on the perfect breakfast nook set or other kitchen furniture ideas visit her site
READ MORE - Kitchen Furniture Choices

Room Lighting For Your Home

Thursday 26 August 2010
One of the primary aspects of any room is the lighting. After all, the lights and their fixtures set the tone for the room and can increase or decrease the room's usability and mood. Consequently, knowing what type of lights work best in an environment can make a difference- whether you merely see your home as a place to unwind or you love to entertain. As you walk through your home, you may be thinking, "The light I have here is okay, but what can I do to really make it noteworthy?" To help you answer that question, here are some room by room lighting tips.
  • The foyer of a home is the first impression of things to come. If you have a high ceiling, consider a chandelier to add warmth and elegance. Or, for a more modern look or when there is a stairway right off of the foyer, you may want to have a transitional close to the ceiling fixture that will illuminate the hallway/stairway as well. This will provide a well lit, welcoming atmosphere. In special regard to hallways and stairways, be sure that staircases are well lit with light switches at the top and bottom of the stairs. Long hallways should have a light fixture every 8 to 10 feet. For added ambiance, use decorative wall sconces.
  • Depending the room's use-game playing, reading, entertaining, etc. the lighting needs can change throughout the day. As such, you want to have lighting that is attractive yet functions as you need. Also, if you have artwork or architectural elements that you wish to emphasize then recessed lighting or track lighting is the best way to spotlight those elements. If a room is used frequently for games and reading then close-to-ceiling, wall sconces or interior lamps are great choices. Of course, any room with a high or vaulted ceiling will look great with a chandelier!
  • In dining rooms, the decorative focal point is the lighting fixtures, so they should be both beautiful and functional. For general lighting, it is recommended that you use a chandelier that is 6 to 12 inches smaller than the narrowest side of the table, or pendant lighting that is at least 30 inches above the table area; recessed lighting can add an illusion of a bigger room.
  • Due to the many uses of the kitchen you may need several types of lights. For example, if you have an area used primarily for food prep then use recessed lighting or track lights so you can easily see what you are prepping. Often, recessed lights are installed under the cabinets to help prevent shadows on the countertops or a fluorescent light will be used over the sink.
  • Baths are beautiful with well-placed recess lighting, though it is critical to have good lighting over the mirror(s). Supplemental lighting choices are close-to-ceiling lights, or decorative wall sconces. Over the shower, recessed lights or a ceiling mounted plastic unit is best.

Many websites provide additional information on the topic of lighting. One such site worth visiting is

Janet Slagell independently authors articles for, Inc. ( for search engine marketing. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those solely of the author, and not of any other person, company, or organization. No guarantee or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the accuracy, fitness, or use of the content herein.

READ MORE - Room Lighting For Your Home

Decorative Lighting For Your Home

If you are thinking of creating ambience in your home décor, then you can always make use of decorative home lighting. Such systems are designed to help create any type of atmosphere you desire. You can always enhance certain areas and change the mood of your living room by using the right type of fixtures. To ensure, safe, beautiful and well-lit room it is important that you select the right type of installation. It is important to get rid of any dark shadows in your passageways.

You can select from decorative home lighting fixtures that can add life to every part of your home. It is advisable to make use of directional spot lights, wall scones and recessed light for maximum benefit. Frosted bulbs, yellow shades and faceted bulbs are always a good option that can go well with any décor. If you are looking forward to change the beam pattern then diffusers, lenses and louvers are also one of the best options available. They help in creating multiple patterns and also in spreading brightness in your room.

Decorative home lighting is about lowering certain surfaces and accenting others. Backlighting technique is also one option that you can try in your living room. They are available with a number of translucent materials, stained glass and silk screens. The moment you are making use of scones, it is important that you install them at a distance of 10 inches from each other. Apart from this you can also make use of different types of table lamps. Placing floor lamp is also one good option at the seating area. You can select from traditional types to some of the most unique ones. Mix shades are good options in case you are looking forward to highlight certainly area in your living room. Textured fabric shades and brass shades can add a lot of life to your living room.

For more information, visit They offer information on Ceiling Lights, as well as Wall Lights.
READ MORE - Decorative Lighting For Your Home

Buying furniture-consider these factors

Saturday 31 July 2010
Purchasing furniture is not easy; the new furniture, whatever it is meant for, should have explicit symmetry with other furniture of the house so that the new purchase should not look like an odd one. Therefore it needs serious planning and research and home work about the best options because it is not feasible to change furniture every so often.

There are two ways for doing home on viewing different furniture option. For example, you are planning to purchase cheval mirror for your house, you can see the options available in the near by furniture showrooms and accordingly you can enquire about the price about the furniture also. Otherwise there is another option to see the best available options for cheval mirror by browsing online shops. In case you like a shape and you are not getting that particular cheval mirror at furniture shop readymade you can order it as well. In these customised order processing you can avail options for different materials and colour about the cheval mirror you have ordered and accordingly you can negotiate the price of the same.

Colour is a vital point for purchasing new furniture. Contemporary furniture is available with different colour ranges in contrary to traditional wood or black iron made furniture. For example, glass and nylon board made furniture range are now available both in bold colour and combination of light and bold colour and this sort of furniture adds brightness to room décor. For example, leather dinning chairs are now available in different colours in contrast to traditional leather dining chairs. Therefore when you are planning to buy dining room table and chairs for your new house, you should keep your eyes open for new options that include the option of steel made dinning sets as well as oak made furniture line.

While talking about oak furniture, these furniture range suits best for modern living room because of its light neutral colour shade, termite proof nature of woods, and light weight which is easy to maneuver. Oak living room furniture range includes wide variety of furniture like book case, television trolley, sofa set, rocking chair, computer table etc. from where you can select your item. It is always recommended to browse online stores before you make the final selection.

There are multiple websites from where oak living room furniture can be seen however it is always wise to purchase these sensitive and expensive items from reliable places only because the reputation of the stores stand guarantee for your furniture quality. DNJSuperstore is a reliable online furniture showroom with huge range of oak living room furniture, known for its quality and perfect finish. This online store offers attractive sales scheme and free shipping for their customers. Exclusive launching offers are also much attractive if can be availed and can be attuned with your requirement.

Price is one of the main deciding factors of new furniture purchase. The price tags of the furniture range available with DNJSuperstore are quite reasonable and if the purchase time can be made within their exclusive discount scheme you will bag the best deal available in the market.

The dining room table and chairs play an important role in the decoration of our interior and for that you need to visit dnjsuperstore and also for leather dining chairs and square coffee table it is the perfect place.

READ MORE - Buying furniture-consider these factors

Vertical Blinds Made of Bamboo Add More Warmth to the Room

Wednesday 7 July 2010
Are you having hard times deciding on what to choose between curtains and other shades to put in your sliding door? Or you just simply need more privacy to cover up a large portion of glass windows mounted from the floor up to the ceiling? Vertical blinds are ideal for these situations. They can both protect and give enough privacy simultaneously.

Vertical blinds are already fashionable to attach on large glass windows or sliding door and making them made of bamboo instead of common vinyl makes the whole setting more appealing. Bamboo material creates a warm atmosphere since it is a wood. These bamboo vertical blinds are also perfect for French windows where the amount of light needed can be adjusted through the movements of each bamboo panel that comprises the whole blind.

You will be surprised with the available variations of vertical bamboo blinds. They are available in numerous styles and colors to complement any room interior. The bamboo pieces or panels are also available in different widths to cater every need of protection and privacy. For a more inviting and cozy ambiance the 3-inch width are good option but if you are looking for a clutter-free surrounding then the 2-inch width is much advisable. However, if you have your own measurement and choice of color you can have these vertical blinds made accordingly. Many suppliers are offering such customization services everywhere. The darker the vertical bamboo blind is the more elegant it is.

Since bamboo is a renewable resource you are, in fact, incorporating a green treatment into your house which is very helpful to the environment. Compared to synthetic materials bamboo has a lesser impact to our nature. The different patterns produced by bamboo stems lead to the patterns being engraved in the vertical bamboo blinds too. Patterns are plenty from simple to complex. There are painted patterns as well in different colors designed along the contour of each bamboo panel. These patterns can also be made in accordance to one’s choice.

Try to add these bamboo vertical blinds into your house. They are multifunctional home decors which can instantly make any room attractive and sophisticated. The bamboo pieces which are paralleled in accurate distance from one another provide a good insulation and at the same time add a different positive aura to the room. The next time you are in confusion to treat your large glass windows and sliding doors you can never go wrong with vertical bamboo blinds when talking about elegance and quality.

Vertical blinds are perfect for your windows if you want to make them attractive.

READ MORE - Vertical Blinds Made of Bamboo Add More Warmth to the Room

Blogger Indonesia dukung internet aman, sehat & manfaat

Monday 5 July 2010
Dunia maya atau lebih ngetrenya internet memang banyak menawarkan jutaan informasi yang tak pernah akan terkuras habis.banyak informasi yang penting seperti idea,bisnis,berita,utorial atau yang lainya yang setiap detiknya ter up date,pengunaan internet kini tak lagi ada batasan hingga semua umur bisa mengunakan dengan mudah.

Manfaat & tips berinternet sehat dan aman untuk anak usia dini merupakan cara yang sangat efectif untuk memajukan perkembangan ilmu dan wawasan kepada anak usia dini, banyak hal yang disuguhkan di internel mulai dari informasi sampai juga sesuatu yang sangat merugikan bagi remaja ( PornoGrafi ).

Tips untuk melindungi anak usia dini dalam berinternet

Memberi pengarahan Manfaat & tips berinternet sehat dan aman untuk anak usia dini mungkin itu cukup berguna bagi seseorang yang sibuk hingga jarang memdampingi anak mereka. Namun pabila itu dirasa masih kurang cukup anda bisa megunakan software pelindung situs tertentu.namun usahakan dampingin mereka saat mereka melakukan browsing internet.

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Interior Decorating with RTA cabinets

Thursday 24 June 2010
Since kitchen is considered as an important room in a house so its renovation and construction has its own importance.. the actual objective of kitchen is food preparation and storage.. if a kitchen is present then there is no need for anybody to have their food outside the home.. mainly women and wife gives due value to kitchen of a particular house .. if the kitchen is very good and having a nice appearance then it will be very interesting to work in that particular kitchen and not only that food made from that type of kitchen would be very delectable.. Various things could be considered in a kitchen in order to construct it fantastically.marble and granite can be used as building material which are very popular also in construction .. the Maple kitchen cabinets made room marble and granite will be having a great look and they are long lasting also.. they are not too much expensive and the great thing is that it is very attractive also.. granite is costlier than marble but as far as the appearance is concerned marble has slight benefit over granite.. it's very hygienic and there is no need for frequent cleaning.

The granite comes in different colors and it comes in different finishing styles. we can have either polished granite or granite having textured surface. The granite is much stronger and durable as compared to the marble it self. The granites don't accept stains and scratches and therefore; much resistant by the actions of children and their play. granite has a very stable nature an it can withstand very high temperature and at the same time it is water proof also.Their application is much easier as compared to the marble and they could easily be changed in case of any damage. even though there are distinct advantages in using the marble but the disadvantages should also be considered.The main disadvantage of the marble stone is that, it doesn't resist the scratches and hence after some times, it gives dirty look if not cared properly. marble when compared to granite is not that much durable and it is very difficult to clean by using chemicals or disinfectants.marble require more care and maintenance because stains are easily formed on marble surface. in a place where there is high traffic it is better to avoid marbles. Marble is not easily available in every country and it has to be imported from some other places.

The disadvantages of granite are that it is pricey even than marble and it requires repair and care.sometimes cracks are also developed on granite surface.. we have discussed all the merits and demerits of both marbles and granite then the final decision to select marble or granite is up to individual choice of a particular person. budget also plays a decisive factor in selection of both matreials.Maple kitchen cabinets. it is very important to get some feedback and reviews regarding the materials that You wish to buy . it is very Cleopatra a nice and good looking kitchen cannot be created with out marble or granite.

READ MORE - Interior Decorating with RTA cabinets

Indonesia Handicraft Furniture Wholesale Marketplace

Wednesday 2 June 2010
Indonesian State-rich tribes and cultures, from many tribes and the culture of Indonesia is famous for many good craft crafts such as handbags, clothing, traditional toys, bookshelves and furniture. Indonesia is a country that presents many crafts that have been widely scattered in neighboring countries. Indonesia Handicraft Furniture Wholesale Marketplace is an easy way to get a lot of antiques that have been sold in several other countries.

Indonesia Handicraft Furniture Wholesale Marketplace is a step to market handicrafts to be able to compete in international markets, by providing loan capital funds for small-to medium with a pick-up efforts and promote small and medium industries.

Indonesia Handicraft Furniture Wholesale Marketplace this way we can craft all the items purchased by visiting the site then you will be very easy to locate some kind of craft options that might suit your tastes.
READ MORE - Indonesia Handicraft Furniture Wholesale Marketplace

How to Light Your Garden

Tuesday 1 June 2010

When lighting your exterior try and think logically and start at the entrance. Do you need to indicate to drivers where the entrance is? It can be quite difficult at night time to locate the drive way. You could have two bollards either side or lights on top of a pillar. If you have nice stone pillars, which you would like to high light, you could have lights shining onto the stone. Always be careful not to use any outside lighting that will interfere with road users as this can be dangerous.

Continue then into the garden. Is there an impressive tree you would like to light up? Maybe you have a drive way of yew trees; it is a nice idea to light each one individually. Think of the shape and size of the tree when positioning your light and experiment with different positions before fixing your light permanently. Also consider the type of tree you are lighting when determining the colour of your lamp, a cool colour works best with pine and cedar to show off the natural silver in the wood and leaves.

A warmer colour works better with oak and beech. Most of the lighting in your garden should be near the house to help create outside living areas with maybe one or two other points of focus in the distance. Do you have a water fountain or pond? If you do you can have a light shining onto your feature or from within the water itself. This would be a feature worth lighting and be able to look upon from within the house itself or from an outside seating area. It is a good idea if you have a large garden to be able to operate the lights separately so that you do not have to have them all on at once.

If you have a small garden it is a good idea to be able to move your lights with the changing seasons this is achievable with certain types of outdoor lighting, it is possible to consult a lighting designer who can advise you on this (not all exterior lighting has to be wired by an electrician there are other options giving you more flexibility). Be sure not to direct your lights straight up into the sky as this is a pointless exercise as all you are doing is lighting the skyline. Light needs something to reflect off to be effective.

When lighting your outside seating areas be conscious of not positioning lights so that they cause a glare. Subtle lighting is all that is really needed. You do of course need to light steps, if you have any, which can be difficult. One solution is to set small low glare LED's, into the side wall, if there is one. If this is not possible small exterior spotlights positioned so that the light skims across the top of the step are a good option making sure you use glare guards on each fitting.

Exterior lighting is often over looked but is an essential part of the overall scheme of your house. The amount of value that a well lit garden can add to your home is often immeasurable and not just in monetary terms. You can add so much space to your home with a well thought out and well lit exterior.

READ MORE - How to Light Your Garden

Outdoor Lighting

Most people think that outdoor lighting should not be given too much attention as after all there is the sun that lights the exterior of the house during the day, the star and the moon to shed light at night. If ever artificial light source will be supplied, it would just be a meager light bulb.

However, the provision of outdoor lighting is just as important as indoor lighting. There are many instances that will prove such importance. Suppose there is only a small light bulb to light your home exterior at night and an elderly grandmother missed a step on the porch stair then tumbled. Of course you would not have grandma stay injured like that without taking her to the hospital for medical treatment. Your negligence in providing sufficient outdoor lighting resulted to unnecessary additional expenses. Outdoor lighting also serves the purpose of providing your house with security against trespassers, with the use of spotlight and motion detectors.

Proper installation of outdoor lighting involves correct grounding and water proofing. Before you start installing your outdoor lights, there are particular codes to be met and complied with as well as permits to be obtained. Lights to be installed along the walkway which require only low voltages are not very complicated but there are certain outdoor lighting which need to be installed by a professional and licensed electrician complete with all necessary documents then inspected once installation is complete. If some electrical codes are not met, you will just put yourself in possible risks and hazards. Further expenses would even be required for renovation if you wish to resell the property.

When planning the exterior lighting, first map out the property whereby showing the home's position, the other infrastructure in the property, your garden, walkway, etc. Next you need to lay out the wiring conduit to connect the lighting fixtures and receptacles to the electricity source. You will also need to consider a fee things when choosing your exterior lighting fixtures such as the activity you and your family will be doing outdoors, voltage specifications, the location of the underground cables, wires and water lines.

In choosing outdoor lighting fixture, there are lighting technologies which do not need lengthy wiring such as solar powered exterior lights. These solar lighting comes in various styles and designs that can be used in different areas of the home exterior such as those installed along walkways and even stairs. During weather and season with ample sunlight these solar powered lights can be used most of the time.

Most places have a standard current with voltage reading of 120. By using a reliable transformer, this voltage may be converted to a safer and more efficient 12 volts current. With such low voltage, installation becomes simpler and safer.

Another purpose served for by outdoor lighting is decorative functions. This aspect of outdoor lighting may be focused on after safety and security lighting are addressed. There are various techniques used to achieve the lighting effect desired. Uplighting may be directed towards a tree which is the focal point of a lawn. Backlighting can be used to define space along shrubs and borders. Downlighting is utilized on stairs and pathways to enhance safety as well as physical appeal.

READ MORE - Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor Furniture Trends

Outdoor FurnitureFor some time now outdoor furniture has gone beyond being just items for relaxation and enjoyment, and even though these are still major points to consider, design and style are the driving force of today's trends.

One of the many interesting things that happens when designers experiment and enjoy their creative forces is that they do begin to work with other materials. And this usually means a much wider variety in styles, colors and shapes. When combining materials a whole new world is opened.

Just think of the following:

Take an outdoor table for example.

  • It could be square, rectangle or with a round top.
  • It could be waist high or chest high.
  • It could be for four, six, eight or even 12 people.
  • It could be made from wood, and that also means the series of colors and finishing.
  • It could be with a glass top, a wooden top, from metal alloys or a ceramic top
Wicker, aluminum and wood had been used for quite some time now but there are new materials and ideas coming along. These ideas will include different types of fabrics for outdoor use, wrought iron, plastics and more.

Some of the styles will include Wicker, bistro furniture, styles taken from the classics (Greek and Roman), country style, European, modern, contemporary, etc.

At the forefront of the design trends for outdoor furniture are colors that are either simple or vibrant. The standout and make a statement. It's not just a question of the blending into the outdoor scene but of actually making a statement that adds to the lifestyle.

Another important part of outdoor furniture today is weather resistance. This includes fabrics and materials. A chair deckchair or any seating furniture will have cushioned seats and pillows and these must be able to withstand demands made by the weather- and this means more than just the rain, includes the wind and the sun.

READ MORE - Outdoor Furniture Trends

Living Room Chairs

Saturday 22 May 2010
One of the most used areas inside anybody's home is the living room. Homeowners use this area for everything from reading the papers to entertaining friends on weekend nights and relaxing on lazy Sundays. Henceforth, it is necessary that this space is furnished with adequate and cozy seating items.

A sofa is an integral piece of living room furniture and is the focal point in any living area. It is usually chosen because of its soft and extremely comfortable cushions. This furniture can easily seat two to four people. There are sofas that feature armrests on either ends while others do not. Some have luxurious leather covering and some have cotton fabric. A sofa is great because it has a wider seat depth and can easily be converted to a single person bed should a visitor want to stay the night.

Aside from sofa, homeowners should also consider using several smaller chairs. The smaller chairs can be placed in front or on the sides of the sofa to create a more intimate setting. This set up promotes an easy atmosphere for conversation. The household can utilize and put wing chairs or club chairs, loveseats, ottomans and even bean bag chairs.

Chairs that promote relaxation can also be added. What would be more relaxing than a massage chair? A massage chair has built-in electronic motors and gears that are designed to massage the person sitting in them. This living room furniture can be quite expensive. Homeowners can opt for ordinary recliner instead. This chair tilts back when occupied and has footrest that allows this chair to provide comfort to the person sitting than most of the conventional chairs.
READ MORE - Living Room Chairs

Hardwood flooring

Monday 10 May 2010
People always want to look good. We buy fancy clothes and jewelry to appear pleasing and impressive. We generally do this to feel good.The collection offers 6 color options, so everyone is sure to find a color that will work with their decor or design layout of their home.

Do you want to give your home a fresh new look this year? Installing wood flooring is a great option for updating the feel of your home without a large and expensive overhaul.After the type of bamboo flooring is decided a pattern has to be chosen. The choices are either horizontal or vertical patterns and the decision is usually best decided based on the size of the room.

Since the very beginning of laminate wood floors, improvements have been a constant endeavor with manufacturers, like Alloc, Mannington and Dupont, to make this flooring material a "perfect" product.Using carpet not only reduces the risk of slips and falls occurring, but also cushions the impact when they do occur.

In commercial situations and especially in areas where the general public is part of the user-profile, this safety consideration becomes paramount.Just like solid bamboo, laminate is available in a variety of colors, from the traditional blond that is light and airy to the rich amber colors that are seen in carbonized bamboo.

The way this works is that the carpet pile fibres slowly accept the moisture which helps them to relax, recover and remember their original shape.However, be careful while dealing with flooring. The most important thing while choosing the tiles is, they must be slip resistant, because, the floor of the bathroom is wet the maximum amount of time compared to the other floorings.Cork flooring is eco-engineered to be easily installed over an existing floor, including tiles.

Once installed, cork not only beautifies the room with its subtle elegance, but also muffles sound with its inherent acoustic properties, proving useful in apartments since it reduces noise transfer to other floors.Laminated flooring has become very popular within the last few years and there are many reasons that exist on why this is so. Not only do laminated floors look great, but they are also resistant to fades, scratches, stains and moisture.

The use of designer tiles on the floors or on the walls and ceilings has brought competition in the tile market to give choices in finishes, textures, size, type, and base materials.There is a whole host of options when it comes to rubber flooring such as with tile flooring
you have the option of slate effect tile, solid smooth, and round stud tile.

Most of the line consists of maple engineered products including four regular hand scraped and one fumed hand scraped maple. It comes in many colors. The most popular color for ceramic tile is beige and various shades off that color.These lovely surfaces have many excellent qualities but being easy to clean and maintain their beauty has to be one of their best qualities.
READ MORE - Hardwood flooring

Importance of Carpet Cleaning

Sunday 25 April 2010
carpet cleaning is important work that should not be missed. clean dirt that is in the deepest fibers of the carpet is a very important job in your life. Because of constant changes in your carpet is expensive, you should be careful if you want to save money. Many manufacturers recommend different ways to clean it. You can choose to use this type of vacuum or use a chemical agent. What is important is that you keep it clean every time. Here are the benefits you get in the washing carpets.

Preventing Mold Formation

Carpet is a good breeding sites for mold and other fungal elements. The warmth of materials is conducive to their growth. This is a common scenario in cold and damp. When printing the forms, they can cause skin allergies, especially for children with sensitive skin. This irritation can be severe and lead to skin infections. By cleaning your carpet, you prevent formation of mold in the material. Chemicals you use to destroy the sources of mold contamination.

Get rid of Bugs and Beetles

Carpet is a giant filter. They trap dirt, dust and allergens in it. These particles are attractive to insects. Because of favorable temperature and environment, they attract insects such as insects and beetles. When you allow them to stay longer, these insects will begin to eat until the fibers in the material and damage your investment. They can also create a stench in the house that is very disgusting, especially if you have guests at home.

Maintain Form

Another benefit of cleaning your carpet is the maintenance of shape. The edges tattered from dirt and sand particles contribute to-wear and tear from the fibers. Through the use of ongoing and accumulated dirt, you'll see a distortion in shape. However, if you clean regularly, you refresh the fibers and make it look new anymore.
READ MORE - Importance of Carpet Cleaning

Installation Tips LCD Monitor

Sunday 18 April 2010
Liquid Crystal Display monitors are especially popular because these work great as Television screens and as computer screens as well. Furthermore, when coupled with chief mounts these provide vision at a natural angle that is comfortable and safe for the screen to be suspended at. The first and most important tip about chief mounts installation is knowing which mount you want for your LCD. You will find basically two types of mounts; fixed and non-fixed. In the fixed variety, as the name applied, the angle of the mount cannot be adjusted and for this reason you need to be very careful when installing the mount so that it is exactly at the angle you want it to be. On the other hand, the non-fixed type allows the viewing angle to be adjusted up or down, left or right, diagonally and also in a combination of these.

An important aspect to the installation process is determining exactly where you want your LCD monitor to be mounted on the wall. LCD monitors serve as a decorative addition to the room, however is placed incorrectly they might simply make the room look crowded and messy. To avoid this, make some setting adjustments, move the furniture around and decide where you want the mount to be before you begin drilling. After this, simply following the instructions given with the mount bracket will guide through installing the bracket at the back of the screen and on the TV. There are a few additional tips you should keep in mind to achieve the best result and minimize risks.

1. Do not add any additional load other than that of the TV on the mounted bracket.

2. There is a ventilation hole in the TV - this should not be covered.

3. It is not advisable to use the mounting brackets for one item with another. Each type of bracket is designed for a specific product and using it with another model could cause serious damage to the item in question.

4. Once the wall mount and LCD monitor are in place, avoid trying to adjust the bolts and screws or changing the position of the mount as this could make the mount unstable and result in the monitor falling.

5. Use a spirit level once the mount is on the wall to make sure the bracket it level. This is especially important if you have installed a fixed type of bracket as these cannot be adjusted later.

The guidelines above should guide you through installation, maintenance and handling of your LCD monitor mount.
READ MORE - Installation Tips LCD Monitor

interior design for small spaces

Wednesday 7 April 2010
Some of this year, most of us have to live in spaces smaller than we wanted, apartments and houses are usually too expensive, so we need to adjust to a smaller space and less extensive. Although a small house or apartment that is far from what we consider an ideal home, we can still look and feel like what we want and need. Effective and efficient interior design for small spaces is absolutely necessary if we want to create an ideal place for us and those we love, with a small space. Sometimes less can make life better.

When decorating a small space there are a few tips and hints that you need to remember:

* Choose a decorating style that suits your needs and your preferences. Flexibility and versatility are the main theme; keep it minimal is always recommended because in most cases when you put too many things at one place they tend to feel clogged and heavy. A small room should allow you to breathe and was too busy when it clearly does not allow you to move correctly. A small space can also clog looks pretty messy even if not included in the "messy" category.

* Choosing a small and versatile piece of furniture fit when considering the interior design for small spaces. There are little things that can make a difference, for example choose to sofas and chairs instead of a large complex that can make a room look larger and warmer. Large pieces can definitely add appeal of the room, but they have chosen is good enough to allow you to create a theater group that you want without feeling too heavy.

* Even if you do not believe in Feng Shui, it is advisable to consider where to place each item and furnishings. Do not place furniture near or in front of doors, windows, trying to keep it free and use vertical space. And wall paintings uses the unit to make the room look bigger and wider.

* Play with color; known that color can add charm matter what size room. In some cases, when you have small spaces, you can paint them in a light and warm colors and make them look bigger and friendly. Color palette is a core aspect of interior design for small spaces because it can have a calming effect in the room and in your mood. If you feel like adding some darker tones on the walls or in the nuances of space you can provide more depth. Pale tone painting make the room look larger, while colors like purple and blue can make the room look funny and good. Layering of color is another tip that you can use, because you can have the same effect even add some colors than to go for a monochromatic selection.

If you have a small space interior design style you should make sure that the room was pleasant, tidy and open.
READ MORE - interior design for small spaces

Tips to Choose Family Room Paint Colors

Wednesday 24 March 2010
Family room paint colors allow you to make the rest of your room look updated even if it has been a while since you've replaced the furniture. It allows you to turn a plain white box into a home. Plus, this is one of the main living spaces of your home so you need to ensure that it works for every member of your family.

Consider a modern design. This will dictate your color palette but will also influence how the room works. This design style keeps accessories to a minimum and focuses on clean lines. This is the perfect style if you are short on space. It also makes your room feel decorated without being plain. An uncluttered look is essential for any space where there will be a lot of toys or where your kids need to study. For this kind of design style choose an ultra bright white, taupe or gray paint colors. You can also have the kids paint their own modern art and let them use whatever colors they want. This creates a gallery effect but also assures that everyone gets their favorite colors in the space.

Your family might be feuding over wall colors. One faction might want lavender or a feminine color and the other one wants a masculine red. You'll need to decide on a theme that you can all live with. Most people can really relate to nature. Pull in sunny yellow accent pieces or soft green paint colors for a room that everyone in the family can love. You can even base the room around a rock fireplace or rich wood floors. Bring in a lot of family photos for more color and a sentimental touch. You could even have a new portrait taken where you are all wearing the colors of your room.

Make a pattern with paint. You'll probably just want to keep this on just one wall. This allows you to make sense out of multiple paint colors. This could be as easy as painting an accent wall or mimicking wallpaper. You can even carefully tape off stripes. Vary the widths and the colors so it almost looks like fabric. This allows everyone in the family to get their favorite colors on the walls.

Family room paint colors should be inviting without being loud. You can create a welcoming space where your whole family will want to spend time together. Sometimes less is more but whether you go with a bright white paint or a rich red; remember it's about your family.
READ MORE - Tips to Choose Family Room Paint Colors

Home decor Wall Art

Sunday 14 March 2010
Art is an expression of how you feel as well as your perception of the world. It means many things to people; and it can be difficult to pinpoint a specific piece for a wall in your home.

One of the choices that you will need to make is whether you want a print/reproduction or an original work of art. An original piece can be very expensive. Add to that the fact that it may fade or become damaged, and you may be making a poor investment.

A reproduction or print may be the way to go if you don't want to make a large investment, but still want impact on your wall. Today's reproductions can be a good choice if you are not sure about what you want on your wall permanently. You could reasonably purchase a reproduction, and then in a few years when you need a change, replace it with something else. If you had an original piece of art, you may have made a large investment and would likely feel obligated to display it permanently to justify the money you spent on it.

When you decide which wall you are purchasing an art piece for, you need to decide on a theme that is in keeping with your decor. If you have a lot of color in your room, you will want to stay neutral without adding more color. Too much color in a room can make it look busy and you won't be able to relax in the room.

Try looking at many types of art pieces and see which one stirs you emotionally. If you find a piece that you love, then that is the best choice. There is really no point to choosing art that does not create or stir emotion. Whether you prefer abstract art or actual depictions of a subject, it has to look right in the room. Sometimes it is easier to create flow by purchasing more than one piece that is a set and is hung closely together. This creates a point of interest on your wall.

Try to avoid purchasing pieces that are not the right size for your wall. Too small a piece will look lost on a large wall, and too large a piece will make your room appear smaller. Of course, if you have an extremely large room, a very large piece can give your room a cozy feel.
READ MORE - Home decor Wall Art

Color Your Bedroom Relaxing

Wednesday 3 March 2010
We spend one third of our lives in this room so it is absolutely critical that our bedrooms be as relaxing and pleasing to the senses as possible. If we cannot feel completely at ease - how can we possibly attain the needed sleep, essential for us to perform at our maximum potential?

How does one create their own personal oasis? Where do we start?

The Starting Point

Personally I start with the bed linens. Choose a comforter or quilt and work outwards from there. If one owns a comforter or duvet, which are usually white or light beige, then duvet covers are a godsend. Not only do they protect but one can also change the colors as our moods or the season dictates.

Remember that tranquil areas are usually decorated in more subdued shades, sometimes even using absolute neutrals; nevertheless, it really is up to you to choose which hues are the most relaxing and tranquil for yourself.

Your Color Palette

Develop a relaxing color palette. The most soothing hues tend to be blues, greens as well as light tans and beige.

Green Means Stress Free

Green is certainly regarded as being the most relaxing color for the eye. Greens as well as blues tend to be reminiscent of the variegated hues of the Caribbean Sea.

Greens, just like other cool colors, help to make our bedrooms appear lighter and bigger. Although these colors can look and feel cold by themselves, they can possess a spectacular effect whenever combined with various other shades.

Green is a healing and relaxing coloring. Greens are a stress-free shade and reds on the other hand could possibly get your adrenaline flowing. Greens can also be soothing, which explains why they are frequently used in hospital wards.

Blue is Reminiscent of Water

Blue is known to have a soothing effect whenever chosen as being the principal color selection of any room. When choosing blue opt for less harsh shades of blue. Blue is better connected with water. Blues run the gamut of cool blues through to blue blacks, smooth and delineating and also mirror onto the green palette presenting an array of strong aquas.

The Earth Tones

The natural or earth tones - taupe, beige, brown colors, terracotta, and so forth - will give a much needed restful feeling and may behave as the complementing foundation that can be used with almost every other shades effectively.

Neutrals are usually blacks, whites as well as greys and can be employed for dramatic relief in opposition to the stronger feature colors.

The Final Word

So create you own personal oasis by choosing the bedroom colors as per your choice and taste. This is your room.
READ MORE - Color Your Bedroom Relaxing

Choosing the Best Paint Color For Your Walls

Thursday 18 February 2010
Repainting a room is one of the least expensive ways to change its look and feel. Many people, excited by the idea of redecorating, rush off to the nearest paint store to find swatches of colours they like. Others scour home magazines for trendy color schemes and ideas. But how do you know whether a color will suit your space, or whether you will tire of it on your walls?

Here is a tip for selecting a color that will appeal to you: Pick a small item you own and love, and use it as the inspiration for your new color scheme. This could be a piece of art, a throw blanket, a decorative pillow or a knick-knack. I once did an entire room based on the colors of my favorite mug. Since you are picking an item you like, the colors will appeal to you. Since this item probably contains more than one color, you now have a ready-made color scheme of several hues that complement each other nicely. Since it is an item from your existing decor, it probably matches well with other things you own. Once you have chosen your item, you can head off to the hardware store to find swatches that match the colors.

Because you now will have several colors to choose from, here are some ways to help you decide which will be best on your walls. If you like neutral colors, you could simply pick the most neutral tone from among your swatches. If your inspirational object was made up entirely of bright tones, you can find a neutral shade by choosing the lightest shade on one of the paint swatches you now have (most paint swatches come with several shades of the same color, ranging from dark to light). If you prefer deeper colors on your walls, choose a deeper shade from among your swatches. One tip for painting a room in darker colors is to choose paint that is one shade lighter than the one you want. Colors tend to look darker on your walls than they do on swatches, because large areas are not lit up as easily as tiny ones, and because the walls reflect some of the color onto each other.

Lastly, I would like to offer some advice about what objects to pick for inspiration. It is very easy to think: I will choose my sofa, that way my room will all match. Be wary of choosing your sofa. It is large and probably already the focal point of your room. Painting your walls to match with make your room look bland. Also, most sofas have only two or three colors, and your room will look contrived and boring if you are limited by these. One way to get around this is by playing with shades, such as using a pink tone if your sofa has red in it, or you could choose a color that only appears in small amounts on your sofa rather than one of its main colors. These same warnings apply if you are choosing an area rug as your inspiration. All in all, it is more exiting to choose a smaller object with a more varied palette. Chances are there is a shade somewhere on it that will go well with your existing furniture or floor covers.

Once you have chosen your wall color, you can use the remaining colors from your chosen object as accents - perhaps for trim, curtains, rugs, throws, or cushions. If you are purchasing new furniture you could consider these colors as well. Remember to include your inspirational object as part of the decor in your new room - it will look great and will tie the whole scheme together!
READ MORE - Choosing the Best Paint Color For Your Walls

Tips Choosing Indoor Paint Colors

Sunday 14 February 2010
Indoor paint colors can transform your room on a budget. You can totally change the way your space feels and looks with just a little paint. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. You can also make your room feel closed in, claustrophobic or too dark if you choose the wrong paint color. Here are a few tips for picking the right indoor paint colors for your home.

Think about the purpose of the room before you choose a paint color. Warm colors are yellow, orange, red and some shades of browns. Cool colors are purple, blue and green. Warm colors are welcoming and inviting. They work well in kitchens and dining rooms; some paint experts even think that these colors will help make you hungry. Cool colors are calming and relaxing so they are perfect for bedrooms. You can even use cool colors to create a spa like feeling in the master bedroom.

Change the way you think about color. Your room might just feel a little blah or boring. The natural reaction to this is to go in the exact opposite direction with a really daring color. This doesn't always work out the best. Instead, try layering different colors. You can make a perfectly interesting room that is still relaxing from various tones of white, brown and taupe. This will help you ease your way into the color palette but also ensures that you have a totally livable space. In these cases where you go for a more neutral room try and bring in different patterns and textures. You could apply a grasscloth paper to the walls or paint stripes on one wall to create a focal point.

You might be scared to put together a home interior color palette for the first time. You might think that's only for decorators. However, this ensures that you have a cohesive design. Sometimes it helps to think about color in terms other than decorating and then translate it back into home decor. Walk around your house and pick out your favorite five items, these don't have to be items for decorating. You could find a few of your favorite clothing pieces, jewelry or even food items. There will probably be similar colors and lines between all of these things. Then you can just pull a few colors out of your inspiration fabric and have a complete palette pretty easily.

Indoor paint colors can be inviting and welcoming. It's also a perfect way to give your child or teen that theme room they've been wanting. When their tastes change all you have to do is repaint.
READ MORE - Tips Choosing Indoor Paint Colors

Tips For Cleaning Your Outdoor Furniture

Tuesday 9 February 2010
Outdoor furniture sets really need extra attention when it comes to maintenance. After being exposed to the outdoor elements for the entire year, you should pay special attention to your outdoor patio furniture to ensure it has the maximum life. The material that it is made from will dictate the best way to care for it.

The easiest way to care for you outdoor patio furniture set is by gently cleaning it on a regular basis and brushing away the dirt. You can use a nylon cloth or a blower to clean off the surface. By lightly cleaning the surface on a regular basis, you can ensure that the dirt won't build up to something that sticks and can't be removed a few months later. If there is dirt that is stuck, you can try to hose it down or use a pressure washer. Make sure you can put the outside patio furniture in the sun afterwards to insure that it is thoroughly dry.

If you get a stain on your outdoor furniture set, you can use a mild soap and water mixture to scrub off any stains. This will be good for wrought iron, wicker, plastic, wood or aluminum sets. After you have cleaned your sets, make sure they are properly protected to ensure they will withstand the future elements.

Wood patio furniture should be stored indoors during the winter. This will make it look great for years to come. Plastic and resin sets can be left out since they are less susceptible to the changing weather elements. Aluminum can withstand exposure to moisture for long periods of time, but other metals should not be left out. Painted aluminum that is left out can be cleaned with mild soap and water and rinsed to remove any sticky residue. Unfinished aluminum will oxidize but it can be removed by using a metal polishing paste with fine abrasives.

Patio furniture cushions should be wiped regularly and store away from the winter elements. Outdoor cushions are made from water and mildew resistant fabric but when they are saturated in rain water, it will shorten their life. To clean them it is best to use a mild detergent and hot water. Be sure to rinse them well and dry them in the sunshine for a couple of days.

If you properly take care of your outdoor furniture sets, you will have patio furniture that will last many seasons. It is no different than the fact that you have to clean and maintain your indoor furniture.
READ MORE - Tips For Cleaning Your Outdoor Furniture

Buying a Home or Renting a Home- Which is Right For You?

Many people who are looking for a new place to live often ask themselves if it will be a better option to rent a home or to buy a home. After all, isn't owning a home the American Dream?

There are several advantages and disadvantages to both of these options. It is a great idea to look into the pros and cons of any situation before you decide on a particular thing to do. When you are considering moving, take the time to read this in order to learn more about the differences between renting and owning a property.

When you choose to rent a home, there are many different advantages that come along with it. One of the biggest advantages is the fact that you can usually move if you get ready to. You will of course have a lease contract term, but you will be able to move when the lease runs out. If you take the time to consider the different options for you, renting may be just the one for you. You are also looking at a lot less money being spent out in order to fix things. Usually your landlord will be pretty good about taking care of any sort of repairs or replacements that are necessary if things mess up.

Some of the disadvantages to renting include paying and paying on something that will never become yours. If you keep paying a monthly rent, at the end of it you will still have nothing to put your name on. This can be frustrating, especially if you plan to live somewhere for quite a while. You may just be better off buying the property rather than renting the property. However, if you do not have good credit, you may only be able to rent if you are unable to get a loan in your own name in order to get a home and purchase it.

Now that we have looked at renting, we will take a look at purchasing your own home. There are many different advantages to purchasing as well. One of the key factors of purchasing a home is that once it is paid for, it is yours to keep or do whatever you choose with. You are not just paying for something that will never become yours. Another advantage to purchasing is the fact that you will be able to use it as a tax credit each year. Owning your home allows you to save a bit on your taxes.

Now for the disadvantages- there are a few of these as well when you own your own home. If you take the time to look at it, you can often spend more for owning a home. You will have to pay homeowners insurance as well as property taxes. You will also have to fix things if things get broken. You will likely have to keep up the lawn as well as do other maintenance.

Take the time to weigh these options when you are considering whether you will rent or buy your next home.
READ MORE - Buying a Home or Renting a Home- Which is Right For You?

Top reasons to look for a flexible office space

Friday 5 February 2010
Each business depends on a number of factors to ensure its growth, whether it's a one man/woman business, a home business or a corporate office. As the business grows, so does the need to project the right image, provide high quality services and develop a customer friendly business face. In this day and age, when extensive marketing and effective networking are the biggest assets of a business, you cannot afford to take second place in these matters. So, you need to accept and accommodate change as your business grows.

In such a scenario, a flexible office space is a wonderful all-in-one solution. Your business gets a readymade office space to lease, along with all the equipment you need. When you lease office space from a reputed leasing agent, you can avail of a extensive number of services. These are services that you might not be able to afford otherwise. Take a conference hall as an example. If you were to rent an office along with the conference hall, you would have to pay for the hall even when you are not using it. On the other hand, a flexible office space allows you to make use of such services and paying only as you use. This keeps your cost down.

Most startup businesses die before they take off because they are unable to break even in the first 3-6 months of operation. In fact, their operational costs are so high that many of them declare bankruptcy in a matter of months. One of the reasons for this is the sheer amount of money that goes into setting up a business and the repeated costs involved in keeping the business alive. When you lease an office, you can avoid a good volume of these costs. First of all, there are no set up charges because you are getting a fully furnished office space on lease. Secondly, a reputed service provider also gives you a number of add-on services like internet telephony, the use of a full spectrum of technological services like wireless services, facsimile services and the like. In addition, you can even pay and use for any additional services you might want. So, you won't have to hire a temporary secretary or receptionist if you need such services.

Another huge plus of taking a readymade office space on lease is the prestigious address you can claim along with the office you have rented. Most of these executive suites are in the 'A' class category, which means that you can easily impress your clients and business partners. This can do wonders for the image of your business.

The time factor is another important reason to consider taking a flexible office space on lease. Setting up your office from scratch is a long and arduous exercise. It might very well take you close to a year to get everything just right. On the other hand, a flexible office space has everything you need to start your business immediately. No time wasted which automatically means more profits and immediate leveraging of your business ideas. Visit us at

READ MORE - Top reasons to look for a flexible office space

Top 10 Tips for Buying a Home

Thursday 4 February 2010
1. You need to decide what type of house best fits your lifestyle: It's important that first-time home buyers consider which factors are most important for you and your family. Spend time making a checklist of your needs and rate each of them on a scale of 1 to 10.

2. Pick your desired neighbourhood: You need to visit possible neighbourhoods and review the different types, the availability and the price range you're looking at. When you do find a neighbourhood that seems to be a good fit, take a closer look at schools, local amenities, and other features that will make it home.

3. Use all available resources: Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. ( is there to serve you. As Canada's national housing agency and as a government-owned agency, CMHC is not only is a provider of mortgage loan insurance and other programs and policies, it is also a source for terrific information and research on housing.

4. Know your credit score and history: By knowing your credit history, you will have accomplished the first step in determining your budget. Your credit history is key to discovering how much money you can borrow, and how what mortgage terms you will have.

5. Know how much you can afford: When you buy a house, you need to consider two main questions: how big does the down payment have to be, and how much of a monthly mortgage payment can you comfortably afford? Typically, the rule for calculating how much of your household income can be used for household expenses, including mortgage payments, is that the total amount of household expenses should not be greater than 32% of your gross income.

6. Get pre-approved: When you are pre-approved with a lending institution, you are actually already approved for the loan - up to a certain maximum amount - by the lender. This means you can be confident when you get out there and shop for a home and negotiate the final price. It also takes all of uncertainty out of the entire process because you will already know how much money you have available.

7. Put together your support team: Once you know where you want to live, and you have determined how much you can afford, and you have been pre-approved for your mortgage, you will still need the help of knowledgeable professionals! You'll need a real estate agent, a mortgage broker or banker and a lawyer. Each of these professionals will help provide you with necessary advice that will be uniquely tailored to your individual situation.

8. ALWAYS do a home inspection: You cannot judge a book by its cover, and you cannot judge a home by the great staging job done by the seller and the seller's agent. A good home inspector is one who will perform a comprehensive visual inspection, examine the home's foundation and roof, examine all of the main systems and mechanisms (such as plumbing, heating, ventilation and electrical) and review the condition of all of the doors and windows. An inspection will identify areas where you might need to do repairs, that have been repaired in the past, estimate the remaining life span of specific components in the house and provide a written report of the inspector's findings - very important information that will play a key role in deciding the home's worth and how much you should offer.

9. Uncover hidden costs: In addition to the cost of your home, there are several other charges, fees, taxes and other amounts that you will need to cover in completing your home purchase. 'Closing Costs' can really add up and there's no avoiding getting them, so you need to make sure you get an itemized list way before your closing date. These hidden costs can include the initial deposit on the purchase price, legal fees, any land transfer taxes, appraisal fees, and land surveys or title insurance.

10. Stay calm: Buying a home can be full of challenges and the only way to deal with them is to be prepared. Take your time, research and gather as much information as possible, and you will be prepared to make the best possible informed decision. It may appear overwhelming at times, but don't lose site of the fact that you are about to buy your own home!!
READ MORE - Top 10 Tips for Buying a Home

Carpet Cleaning Tricks and Tips

Sunday 31 January 2010
If you've ever had to deal with a tough carpet stain or carpet that just won't come clean, than learning a few time tested rug and carpet cleaning techniques may be your next step. There most certainly are occasions where a professional cleaning may be in order, but often a more economical option is available. The first tip for carpet stain removal is to treat the stain as quickly as possible. This may or may not involve trying to remove the stain. Sometimes it is best to allow substances to completely dry before treating. Dirt tracked in from the outside, for instance, is often most readily removed by vacuuming the area once the dirt is dry. Blotting the area with a damp cloth can then take care of any smaller particles left in the carpet fibers.

When treating wet stains, time really is of the essence. Many substances, like wine or spills containing dye, can quickly discolor a carpet. Most carpets have been treated for at least some level of stain resistance, but most often water dissolution is the first and best option when dealing with stains. Dissolving the liquid from the spill followed by gentle blotting to remove any excess is usually a good first step. Always try to work the stain from the outside toward the center using a blotting motion as opposed to rubbing or scrubbing. A harsh carpet cleaning can potentially damage the fibers and result in the need for costly repair or replacement.

If water alone does not remove the stain, try a small amount of a mild dishwashing liquid. The solution should be gently worked into the fibers followed by rinsing the area with warm water. Remember to rinse and dry completely. Soap residue will invariably attract and trap dirt making the stained area even more noticeable. Once rinsed thoroughly, blot the area with a clean towel or dry cloth. For stubborn stains, a solution of 2 tbs. of ammonia to 1 cup of warm water may be in order. Once applied, diluted vinegar can be used to neutralize the ammonia. If these household remedies do not adequately deal with the stain, than a commercial stain removal product should be applied. Use caution however, as these products when used incorrectly can sometimes discolor or permanently damage carpet fibers. It is usually a good idea to test a carpet cleaning product in a less noticeable area before pouring or spraying a cleaner directly on the stain.

Sometimes the best solution is simply to call your local carpet cleaner. Steam cleaning or hot water extraction is the method most commonly used by professional carpet cleaners.

If keeping your carpet clean is important to you, you can find a list of New York carpet cleaners at
READ MORE - Carpet Cleaning Tricks and Tips
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